
Our auditors

Mia Funder

Chartered accountant, CEO & Partner

E-mail: mia.funder@axion.se
Phone: 040-360 300
Cell phone: 0706-75 00 17

Mikael Jannert

Chartered accountant & Partner
On leave

E-mail: mikael.jannert@axion.se
Phone: 040-360 314

Liselotte Kölemo

Accountant & authorized accounting consultant

E-mail: liselotte.kolemo@axion.se
Phone: 040-360 302

Ilyas Popal


E-post: ilyas.popal@axion.se
Phone: +46 (0)40-360 307

Tobias Jonasson


E-mail: tobias.jonasson@axion.se
Phone: 040-360 311

Mohammed Daabas


Mail: mohammed.daabas@axion.se
Phone: 040-360 303

Accounting staff

Hendrik Corneby

Accounting consultant with managerial responsibility

E-mail: hendrik.corneby@axion.se
Phone: +46 (0)40-360308
+46 (0)736203308

Ghaeth Ali

Accounting consultant

E-mail: ghaeth.ali@axion.se
Phonen: +46 (0)40-360 313

Nina Saidi

Accounting consultant

E-post: nina.saidi@axion.se
Telefon: 040-360 316

Jenny Schultz

Accounting consultant

E-post: Jenny.schultz@axion.se
Telefon: +46 (0)40-360 306

Ismail Shah

Accounting consultant

E-mail: ismail.shah@axion.se
Phone: 040-360 322

Other personnel

Krister Funder

IT and Business advisor

E-mail: krister.funder@axion.se
Phone: 040-360 318
Cell phone: 0705-15 00 18

Ulrika Lundblad

Front Office

E-mail: ulrika.lundblad@axion.se
Phone: 040-360 301

Lena Palm


E-mail: lena.palm@axion.se
Phone: 040-360 300